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Vaughan W. Smith

Creator of worlds

Far far away there exists a realm of pure imagination. Where every combination of  thing exists in complete harmony. You’ll find everything that ever was, and everything that ever will be.

Travelling there is deceptively easy. All you need to do is close, or de-focus, your eyes. Tune out the noise, chatter, and your thoughts. Immerse yourself in this moment of stillness and ask the question: what if?

And that’s my job.

Every day I commute to that magical realm, taking in all the wonders and bringing them back to share with you.

I don’t brings things back unless they add to the world we live in. There’s enough horror, pain, and injustice already. I’ll never import more. That’s my promise and guarantee.

There will be light, and dark, and everything in-between. But at end you’ll feel uplifted. Hope will be restored. And just maybe, you’ll close the book and the weight of the world will be a little lighter.

My Favourite Genres
  • Fantasy
  • Urban Fantasy
  • Science Fiction
  • Mystery and Thrillers